Versions Compared


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  • For reference see the contents of a the default JSON file configuration below:

{ "PoseMachineConfig": info
Code Block
      "absoluteSources": {
        "DTrack": {
          "settings": {
            "axisPermutation": "xyz",
            "oneBasedCounting": true,
            "port": 5000
          "type": "DTrack"
        "my_dummy": {
          "type": "Dummy"
      "emitters": {
        "HMD": {
          "type": "Keeper"
        "console": {
          "type": "Console"
      "imuSources": {
        "HMD IMU": {
          "type": "Varjo"
        "Platform IMU": {
          "settings": {
            "autodetectType": "ig1"
          "type": "OpenZen"
      "mapper": {
        "dataProxy": {
          "port": 14355
      "trackedObjects": [
          "absoluteSource": {
            "name": "DTrack",
            "trackingId": 1
          "combinerType": "DifferentialImu",
          "emitterName": "HMD",
          "imuSource": "HMD IMU",
          "settings": {
            "ignoreGravity": true,
            "opticalWeight": 0.005,
            "referenceImu": "Platform IMU",
            "referenceOrientationQuat": {
              "w": 1,
              "x": 0,
              "y": 0,
              "z": 0
            "referenceToOpticalQuat": {
              "w": 1,
              "x": 0,
              "y": 0,
              "z": 0
          "absoluteSource": {
            "_the platform IMU body": "goes here",
            "name": "DTrack",
            "trackingId": 2
          "combinerType": "Default",
          "emitterName": "console",
          "settings": {}

Note that this is the complete content of the settings.json file. The browser editor does not display the { "PoseMachineConfig": part, so make sure to remove it in case you paste it there.

  • In order to use LPVR-DUO we need to connect the various parts and we need to calibrate the orientation of the reference IMU that is mounted to the vehicle. For the following settings we give the line numbers in the default configuration.

    • in order to receive data from DTrack the port number configured on line 7 needs to match the one configured in DTrack. The default configuration uses port number 5000 which is also the default for DTrack.

      In DTrack’s Output Settings you need to enable set one channel to “active” and configure it to send to “this computer” with at least “ts” and “6d” output enabled. Depending on your firewall settings you may have to select “act as router for tracking output”.

    • You also need to configure the correct body ID for the tracked body associated with the headset. This number goes on line 42 of the configuration.

    • Lastly, for the purpose of calibration, we also need a tracking body attached to the reference IMU. Its tracking body ID goes on line 69.

    • Once these settings are complete, click the button labelled “Push To Driver” above the input field. The driver should now have adopted the settings.

If you have already calibrated the headset tracking body (see above), you should now be able to now use the headset with DTrack tracking. It should also react to motion of the reference IMU. Though as long as the reference IMU is not calibrated, this motion should not make much sense.

Validation Steps at this Point

After this basic configuration all necessary data should be flowing and available to Varjo Base. We suggest to take a few minutes to make sure this is the case. Namely, at this point the headset motion should be picked up by DTrack, IMU data should be flowing and the driver should receive these data and provide a (uncalibrated) synthesis to Varjo Base.

In particular the following items can be verified:

  • DTrack tracking works: make sure that the headset is tracked by DTrack: DTrack should be running and the DTrack software should show it’s body number on a green background

  • Data reaches the driver: after clicking “Show details” near driver status on the configuration page, all sources (DTrack, HMD Imu, Platform Imu) should be displayed in green

    • if DTrack is not green make sure that DTrack is running and that the Output settings in DTrack and the port number configured for the LPVR driver are correct and agree

    • if the Platform IMU is red, make sure its USB cable is connected and restart Varjo Base. We discuss its setup in detail further down.

    • if the Headset IMU is red, please restart Varjo Base. If it remains red, please make sure the Varjo Base displays no errors

  • The headset reacts to rotations: stop the DTrack measurement. The VR scene shoudl move along with rotations of the headset.

  • Positional data is transferred correctly: start the DTrack measurement again. Moving the headset without rotation yields the expected motion.

  • Headset body calibrated: if the headset body is already calibrated, rotations of the headset should appear smooth.

  • Platform Imu data is received and incorporated: rotating the Platform IMU leads to a response in the VR scene. Before calibration rotation axes may not match. This will be addressed in the next steps.

Adjustment of Vehicle Fixed IMU


Follow this tutorial to install and run the vehicle-fixed LPMS-IG1 IMU. If you are using LPVR-DUO-Varjo with the ART SmartTrack and our provided IMU holder, you should be done at this step. If you are using another setup, please follow the steps below.

Calibration Procedure

  • In a first step the orientation of the internal coordinate system of the vehicle fixed IMU and the optical tracking system needs to be defined. For this purpose, attach an optical marker to the enclosure of the IMU and create a new rigid body in the optical tracking software.

  • To activate the calibration features of LPVR, click on Show Additional Features on the LPVR configuration page.
