Room calibration
Adding and adjusting targets
FusionHub on OpenXR HMDs
To make the tracking functionality of FusionHub available to standalone augmented and virtual reality headsets, it can be integrated with Android-compatible OpenXR HMDs. This works via a customized version of the ALVR / ALXR open source projects. ALVR allows streaming image data wirelessly from a host computer and interfaces to 3D content engines through SteamVR. While the original ALVR client was built to work on Meta Quest HMDs, the OpenXR version of ALVR called ALXR works in principle on any OpenXR compatible headset.
We use a thin client library to receive IMU data from the HMD API, pass it to FusionHub, process it there and then re-inject the information into the video pipeline of the headset. Depending on the type of HMD this happens within the ALVR client’s standard interface or in a separate hardware-specific API layer.
The overall system consists of several applications running at the same time. As the development of this application is still work-in-progress, starting and configuring this solution can be a bit cumbersome. We are working on making the process easier as we move along.
On the headset:
FusionHub server (sensor connections, sensor fusion)
ALVR client (receives image data from ALVR server, connects to FusionHub server, sends pose information to ALVR server)
On the host computer:
FusionHub GUI (connects to FusionHub server on HMD, configures FusionHub, authenticates system)
ALVR server (receives pose information from client, sends pose information to SteamVR, sends image data to ALVR client, receives image information from SteamVR)
Optical tracking software etc.
Release Notes
Version 1.2
Release date: 2023/1/5