Code Block |
"imuP": { "type": "DualRtk", "settings": { "sensor1": { // If specification needed, insert first IG1 sensor name here //"name": "ig1p232800650050", "autodetectType": "ig1p" }, "rtcm": false, "imuEndpoint": "tcp://*:8802" } } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
type | Type of GPS receiver. Currently only | DualRTK |
name | The name of the LPMS-IG1P sensor used in this setup. This parameter is optional. If FusionHub is operated at the same time with LPVR-DUO, we recommend specifying the sensor name. Look up the sensor name in LpmsControl 2. | n/a |
autodetectType | Type of sensor to be autodetcted | ig1p |
rtcm | Set to true if RTCM input is to be received eg. from an NTRIP source. | false |
imuEndpoint | Output endpoint of IMU data. This parameter is optional. | tcp://*:8802 |
Info |
We currently don’t have an elegant way to copy & paste the name of the IG1 sensor to be used by FusionHub to the configuration script from LPMS-Control. Please see the image below where to (manually) copy the name from. |
Code Block |
"imu": { "type": "OpenZen", "settings": { "autodetectType": "ig1" } } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
type | Type of IMU. At the moment only OpenZen IMUs are supported. | OpenZen |
name | The name of the LPMS-IG1 sensor used in this setup. This parameter is optional. If FusionHub is operated at the same time with LPVR-DUO, we recommend specifying the sensor name. Look up the sensor name in LpmsControl 2. | n/a |
autodetectType | Type of sensor to be autodetcted | ig1 |
imuEndpoint | Output endpoint of IMU data. This parameter is optional. | tcp://*:8802 |
RTCM Source
Node to connect to an NTRIP caster and read in RTCM information from there.
Code Block |
"RTCM": { "type": "NTRIP", "settings": { "host": "some-host-name", "port": "2101", "mountpoint": "some-mount-point", "user": "some-user", "password": "some-password", "userAgent": "LPVR", "initialLatitude": 35.65736, "initialLongitude": 139.73239, "forwardGnss": true } } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
type | Type of RTCM correction data source. Currently only | NTRIP |
host | NTrip caster host. | |
port | NTrip caster port. | 2101 |
mountpoint | NTrip mountpoint or stream to receive rtcm correction data. | |
user | NTrip caster username. | |
password | NTrip caster password. | |
userAgent | Name of user agent when connecting to NTrip caster. | LPVR-POS |
initialLatitude | Latitude to forward to Ntrip caster on first connect. | 0.0 |
initialLongitude | Longitude to forward to Ntrip caster on first connect. | 0.0 |
forwardGnss | Set true if gnss data from gnss source is to be forwarded to NTRIP caster. This is useful if Ntrip caster offers dynamic switching of RTCM correction data based on forwarded location. | false |
GNSS Source
This is the connection to the actual GNSS module such as the ZED-F9P module. The nodes receives data in NMEA format and sends RTK correction information to the node using RTCM.
Code Block |
"gnss": { "type": "NMEA", "settings": { "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0", "baudrate": 115200, "rtcm": true } } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
type | Data output format for gnss data source. Currently only | NMEA |
port | Serial port number for gnss source. | |
baudrate | Serial port baudrate to connect to GNSS source.
| /dev/ttyUSB0 |
rtcm | Set true to enable RTCM correction data forwarding from RTCM source to gnss module. | false |
CAN Bus and Vehicle Decoder Source
This node receives and decodes data from the vehcile’s CAN bus. The output from this node is forwarded to the filter nodeThe vehicle source is the data source that reads raw CAN data messages from a given CAN bus interface and parses the vehicle data using to the provided CAN protocol.
This section explains how to set up the configuration for a custom CAN parsing node. Depending on the available information about the vehicle CAN protocol, there are three types of CAN parsing available.
Minimal parsing where we only have information about the vehicle speed CAN message.
Separate four wheel speed parsing, velocity sign information may be added if the gear stick reading is available.
Parsing with steering model information, there are two ways to specify the steering tables depending on the information available:
steering wheel angle vs (right or left) wheel angles
orsteering wheel angle vs average wheel angles
. Using this data we can perform linear interpolation to compute the wheel angles for any given steering angle and use it forAckermann
Minimal vehicle parsing
This parser only requires information about the overall vehicle speed message. So it only provide this data as input to the fusion algorithm. Even though this can be enough for some use cases, it may be better to provide separate wheel speeds to extract and use the vehicle angular velocity information as well.
Parameter name | Description | Default |
canInterface | CAN bus interface, supported values are | PeakCAN |
vehicleType |
| n/a |
velocityCanId | CAN id for the velocities message | n/a |
velocityScale | Value to multiply the parsed raw velocity by in order to get velocities in m/s. | 1.0 |
velocityStartBit | Start bit of the vehicle wheel velocity. | 0 |
velocityBitsLength | Number of bits used for wheel velocity encoding. | 16 |
Configuration example
Code Block |
"vehicle": {
"type": "Automotive",
"vehicleStateEndpoint": "tcp://*:8999",
"settings": {
"canInterface": "Internal",
"canEndpoint": "tcp://localhost:9921",
"vehicleType": "Minimal",
"canProtocol": {
"velocityCanId": 209,
"velocityScale": 0.015625012,
"endianness": "little",
"velocityBitsLength": 16,
"velocityStartBit": 0
} |
Vehicle parsing with separate wheel velocities
Parameter name | Description | Default |
canInterface | CAN bus interface, supported values are | PeakCAN |
vehicleType | Used to specify the parser type, available values are:
| n/a |
wheelBase | Distance between front and back wheels. | n/a |
trackWidth | Distance between right and left back wheels. | n/a |
velocityCanId | CAN id for the velocities message | n/a |
velocityScale | Value to multiply the parsed raw velocities by in order to get velocities in m/s. | 1.0 |
velocityStartBits | Within this parameter, one need to specify the starting bits of each wheel velocity | 0, 16, 32, 48 respectively. |
velocityBitsLength | Number of bits used for each wheel velocity encoding. | 16 |
endianness | Specify if the CAN data endianness is | little |
driveModel | When no steering information is available, only | Differential |
canEndpoint | Output endpoint of Vehicle data. This parameter is optional. | tcp://*:8802 |
Configuration example
Code Block |
"vehicle": {
"type": "Automotive",
"vehicleStateEndpoint": "tcp://*:8999",
"settings": {
"canInterface": "Internal",
"canEndpoint": "tcp://localhost:9921",
"vehicleType": "External",
"wheelBase": 2.750,
"trackWidth": 1.595,
"canProtocol": {
"velocityCanId": 212,
"velocityScale": 0.015625012,
"endianness": "little",
"velocityStartBits": {
"FrontLeftWheel": 0,
"FrontRightWheel": 16,
"RearLeftWheel": 32,
"RearRightWheel": 48
} |
Additional parameters
Gear stick position for velocity sign
If available, the gear stick reading data can be parsed to determine the velocity sign.
Parameter name | Description | Default |
gearCanId | gear stick message CAN id | n/a |
gearStartBit | gear stick message start bit | n/a |
gearBitsLength | Number of bits used for gear stick message encoding. | n/a |
gearReverseValue | Reverse driving gear stick value. | n/a |
Configuration template
Code Block |
"vehicle": {
"settings": {
"vehicleType": "External",
"canProtocol": {
"gearCanId": 1,
"gearStartBit": 2,
"gearBitslength": 3,
"gearReverseValue": 4
} |
Steering information for Ackermann model
If available, the steering wheel message can also be parsed but using it in the drive model requires input about the vehicle steering model as detailed below.
Parameter name | Description | Default |
steeringCanId | CAN id for the steering wheel angle message | n/a |
steeringScale | Value to multiply the parsed raw steering wheel angle by in order to get angle in degrees. | 1.0 |
steeringWheelAngles | The steering table column containing sample steering wheel angles. | n/a |
wheelAngleType | Specification of provided | n/a |
wheelAngles | Steering table column containing corresponding wheel angle values. | n/a |
driveModel | In addition to | Differential |
Configuration template
If the input steering table is like follows (note that the input table should contain values for both right and left turns aka: positive and negative steering wheel angles),
steering wheel angles | right wheel angles |
-360 | -30.0 |
-340 | -25.5 |
… | … |
340 | 35.5 |
360 | 40.0 |
The steeringTable
configuration block would look something like below.
Code Block |
"vehicle": {
"settings": {
"vehicleType": "ExternalWithSteering",
"canProtocol": {
"steeringTable": {
"steeringWheelAngles": [
-360, -340, -320, -300,
300, 320, 340, 360],
"wheelAngleType": "Right",
"wheelAngles": [
-30.0, -25.5, -20.0, -15.0,
19.0, 26.0, 35.5, 40.0]
} |
Predefined Vehicle Parsing
For a small number of test vehicles we created a “hardcoded” parser to translate the CAN bus data of these vehicles to input values for our sensor fusion. This predefined parsing is now mostly obsolete because of our new flexible parser. We’ll put the definition of this parser here for completeness.
Code Block |
"vehicle": { "type": "Automotive", "vehicleStateEndpoint": "tcp://*:8999", "settings": { "canInterface": "PeakCAN", "vehicleType": "R56" } } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
type | Type of vehicle. Currently only | Automotive |
vehicleStateEndpoint | Endpoint for vehicle state output | tcp://*:8999 |
canInterface | CAN interface used for readin odometry data. Allowed options:
| PeakCAN |
vehicleType | Type of vehicle. Currently supported vehicles have to be manually added. Contact us for details. | R56 (BMW Mini) |
Vehicle source output data types
The vehicle source published the raw CANData
it reads from the CAN bus in addition to VehicleState
and VehicleSpeed
message. The latter is used as input to the sensor fusion algorithms.
Fusion Filter Option 1 - Low-dynamics Filter
See below a description of the parameter options of the LD filter.
Parameter name | Description | Default |
echoFusedPose | fusedVehiclePose output is printed to command line | false |
endpoint | Output port for the fusion result | 8801 |
fitModel | Model to use for fusion. At the moment only | SimpleCarModel |
driveModel | Model used to calculate the car trajectory from CAN bus data. If the steering wheel data and steering model are provided, | Differential |
velError | Velocity error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.277777778 |
omegaError | Omega error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.5 |
measurementError | Measurement error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.1 |
smoothFit | Enable this option to prevent filter output from jumping between odometry data and GPS measurement. Keep enabled. | true |
useImuTurnRate | If enabled the IMU turn rate is used instead of the wheel velocity based turn rate. Recommended. | false |
imuTurnRateAxis | The IMU axis to use for the Turn rate if | 1, 0, 0 |
imuToCarRotation | Rotation that is applied to accelerometer data from IMU before output | 1, 0, 0, 0 |
Output Format
See a technical description of FusionHub’s communication interface in one of the following chapters.
Code Block |
syntax = "proto3"; package Fusion.proto; message Vector2 { double x = 2; double y = 3; } message Vector { double x = 2; double y = 3; double z = 4; } message FusedVehiclePose { int64 timestamp = 1; Vector2 position = 2; Vector2 global_position = 3; double yaw = 4; string utm_zone = 5; int64 timecode = 6; // Optional: if 0 not set. Vector acceleration = 7; } message StreamData { int32 sequence_number = 1; FusedVehiclePose fused_vehicle_pose = 9; } |
Parameter name | Description | Unit |
acceleration | 3D acceleration vector as measured by IMU. Describes the orientation of the vehicle in the vehicle coordinate system. | m/s^2 |
globalPosition | Longitude and latitude in degrees | degrees |
lastDataTime | Unused | s |
position | Position relative to starting point with X pointing North and Y pointing East in the current UTM frame | m |
timestamp | Timestamp of data acquisition | ns |
utmZone | UTM zone | UTM string |
yaw | Globally referenced yaw angle | rad |
Info |
After starting FusionHub, while the car is static, the filter will not deliver a correct yaw angle. The angle will be adjusted to the correct direction after a few seconds of driving the vehicle. The exact output data format is described below. |
The used car frame is the Volkswagen (VW) coordinate frame convention:
The IMU sensor can be mounted in any way but the ImuToCarRotation
quaternion needs to be provided to transform the IMU data into VW frame. For example, if the IMU is mounted like follows:
See below a description of the parameter options for the HD filter.
Parameter name | Description | Default |
echoFusedPose |
| false |
endpoint | Output port for the fusion result | 8801 |
fitModel | Model to use for fusion. | ModelGnssImu |
accelError | Acceleration error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.01 |
omegaError | Omega error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.02 |
measurementError | Measurement error for Kalman filter. Keep default value. | 0.05 |
imuToCarRotation | Orientation quaternion of IMU relative to car frame | 1, 0, 0, 0 |
smoothFit | Enable this option to prevent filter output from jumping between IMU data and GPS measurement. Keep enabled. | true |
Output Data Format
Code Block |
syntax = "proto3"; package Fusion.proto; message Vector2 { double x = 2; double y = 3; } message Vector { double x = 2; double y = 3; double z = 4; } message FusedVehiclePose { int64 timestamp = 1; Vector2 position = 2; Vector2 global_position = 3; double yaw = 4; string utm_zone = 5; int64 timecode = 6; // Optional: if 0 not set. Vector acceleration = 7; } message StreamData { int32 sequence_number = 1; FusedVehiclePose fused_vehicle_pose = 9; } |
Parameter name | Description | Unit |
acceleration | 3D acceleration vector as measured by IMU. Describes the orientation of the vehicle. | m/s^2 |
globalPosition | Longitude and latitude in degrees | degrees |
lastDataTime | Unused | s |
position | Position within UTM zone | m |
timestamp | Timestamp of data acquisition | ns |
utmZone | UTM zone | UTM string |
yaw | Globally referenced yaw angle | rad |
Code Block |
{ "fusedPose": { "lastDataTime": { "timestamp": 0 }, "orientation": { "w": 1.0, "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "timestamp": { "timestamp": 0 } } } |
Code Block |
syntax = "proto3"; package Fusion.proto; message Quaternion { double w = 1; double x = 2; double y = 3; double z = 4; } message Vector { double x = 2; double y = 3; double z = 4; } message FusedPose { int64 timestamp = 1; Vector position = 2; Quaternion orientation = 3; Vector angular_velocity = 4; int64 timecode = 5; // Optional: if 0 not set. } message StreamData { int32 sequence_number = 1; FusedPose fused_pose = 4; } |
Parameter name | Description | Unit |
lastDataTime | Unused | s |
orientation | Orientation quaternion in ENU coordinate frame | without unit |
position | X, y position + height | m |
timestamp | Time of data acqusition | ns |
Code Block |
{ "globalFusedPose" { "orientation": { "w": 1.0, "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "timestamp": { "timestamp": 0 }, "position": { "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "height": 0.0 } } } |
Code Block |
syntax = "proto3"; package Fusion.proto; message Quaternion { double w = 1; double x = 2; double y = 3; double z = 4; } message GpsPoint { double longitude = 2; double latitude = 3; double height = 4; } message GlobalFusedPose { int64 timecode = 5; // Optional: if 0 not set. int64 timestamp = 1; GpsPoint position = 2; Quaternion orientation = 3; } message StreamData { int32 sequence_number = 1; GlobalFusedPose global_fused_pose = 10; } |
Parameter name | Description | Unit |
orientation | Orientation quaternion | without unit |
position | Longitude, latitude, height | deg, deg, m |
timestamp | Time of data acqusition | ns |
Recording and Replaying Data
Code Block |
"record": { "filename": "driveData.json", "format": "json" } |
Parameter name | Description | Default |
filename | Filename of the file to be recorded. | driveData.json |
format | The file format. At the moment only JSON is possible. | json |
Data Replay
In order to replay data from a JSON file a separate application ReplayExecutable.exe
that we deliver with LPVR-POS is used. The replay executable reads the JSON data from a defined file, pushes the data to a replay queue and sends them to the network (tcp://localhost:9921
by default). To run the ReplayExecutable use the following command:
Code Block |
ReplayExecutable.exe -r <path/to/file.json> [--replay-speed 1] [--queue-size 100] [--echo-data] [--verbose] |
Key | Description | Type | Example value |
-r | Path to read in file | String | “log.json” |
--replay-speed | Speed to the actual recording | Double | 1 |
--queue-size | The size of queue that file reader would stop pushing new data to the replay queue. Increase this value when you see lots of data is published at the same time when running with | Integer | 100 |
--echo-data | Listen to the publishing endpoint and display the replayed data | N/A | N/A |
--verbose | Print the debugging information, i.e., the timestamp a packet is added to the replay queue, replayed from the replay queue, and discarded from the replay queue. | N/A | N/A |
FusionHub can receive data from the replay application by adding the replay application’s endpoint source to the configuration file:
The WebSocket server can be accessed via 19358
port on the machine hosting the FusionHub service. To accelerate development download the Simple WebSocket Client Chrome plugin. This allows you to manually enter API commands and check the replies from the server.
Endpoint | Sample Requests | Sample Response / Description | ||||||||||
getConfig |
| Get in memory configurations. | ||||||||||
getSavedConfig |
| Get on disk configurations. | ||||||||||
saveConfig |
| Save the in-memory configurations to the disk. | ||||||||||
setConfig |
| Update in-memory configurations. This api create new key-value pairs, or update the existing values. It does not save configurations to the disk. Note that in | ||||||||||
overwriteConfig |
| Overwrite the in-memory configurations. This is suitable when user want to remove a key from the configuration. | ||||||||||
getIntercalibrationStatus |
| Get the current intercalibration status. Useful for refetching current status when the frontnend accidentally disconnects. | ||||||||||
applyIntercalibrationResults |
| Apply the current intercalibration quaternion to the in-memory copy of config. This does NOT save to disk. | ||||||||||
restartBackend |
| Restart the backend. Internally the while loop reset the DataBlock, causing all sources and sinks to be freed from memory, and instantiate them again. | ||||||||||
startRecording |
| Listen to data published to | ||||||||||
stopRecording |
| Stop the current recording. | ||||||||||
listRecording |
| List the recorded filenames since the FusionHub booted up. | ||||||||||
getVersion |
Sending FusionHub Data to External Applications via the ZeroMQ Interface
Info |
Note that both, the base station as well as the vehicle need to be connected to the internet in order to make communication between the two work. You can directly insert a SIM card into the Emlid RS2+ base station that we optionally provide with LPVR-POS. |
In order to set up an RTK GPS system to work with LPVR-POS follow the below steps. You need to do these steps only once, after that the system should be ready to work when you turn it on: