Code Block |
"gnss": { "type": "NMEA", "settings": { "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0COM4", "baudrate": 115200, "rtcm": true } } |
Download u-center to configure ZED-F9P. Make sure GGA, GSA and VTG messages are enable. Before that, you need to choose “Receiver“ tab in menu bar, navigate to “Connection“ and connect to the correct COM port, then set the baudrate to 115200. Next, navigate to “View“ → “Messages View“, right-click “GxGGA”, “GxGSA“ and “GxVTG“ text to enable them. Then open “Configuration View“, choose “RATE (Rates)” to set frequency to 5Hz by changing measurement period to 200ms. You can checkout the output of the RTK-GPS with “Text Console” to verify if the settings is effective. The last step is to save the settings. Open “Configuration View“, choose “CFG (Configuration)“ , select “Save current configuration“ and apply for all devices and then click “Send“ in the bottom left-hand corner to save the settings.
Set up an NTRIP caster service by creating a free Emlid Flow account. Note that you only need the free version.
Set up the Emlid RS2+ base station. A detailed guide how to connect it to the internet using a SIM card is here: https://docs.emlid.com/reachrs2/rtk-quickstart/connecting-reach-to-the-internet/enabling-cellular-modem
Next, adjust the base station settings so that the base station outputs correction data to our NTRIP caster: https://docs.emlid.com/reachrs2/rtk-quickstart/base-rover-setup Note that we only need to follow the instructions on setting up the base station, the rover we set up via the FusionHub interface.
Configure the base station to talk to our Emlid Flow account: https://docs.emlid.com/emlid-caster/emlid-caster-base-rover-connection
Set up FusionHub to receive RTCM data from the Emlid Flow caster: