Note |
Note that if you have a pre-configured target from ART or Optitrack, you don’t need to do the intercalibration. You only need to do this if you have a custom target attached to your HMD. |
Example videos
Intercalibration toolIntercalibratiotool: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1nkt3acbq69omehzz0j28/Intercalibration-tool-cryptolens.mp4?rlkey=qtg49h7kzbhcs4cz32yrnx7vn&dl=0
In the DTrack software on PC, click “stop”.
Go to Tracking → Body Calibration, select your headset body in the dropdown menu, and click “Load file(s)” to load the calibrated body file
under the same directory as your exported body file in section 1.
How to inter-calibration without precalibrated targets
We highly recommend purchasing precalibrated targets. If you don’t have precalibrated targets, please follow the instructions in the videos below.
Dtrack calibration : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cjmaykw5rt5263euqo0z1/Dtrack-Calibration-LPVR-AIR.MP4?rlkey=5y829p6wsi5z6dfpz8vtcpbze&st=3kkd916n&dl=0
Procedure Overview
Open the ART DTrack3 software and connect to the controller
Open "Body Administration" under Tracking > Body Administration
Select the body you wish to calibrate (or create a new one by increasing the "number of bodies" counter)
Give it a name if desired
Once it is selected, click on "Custom calibration" at the bottom of the window
In the "Custom Body Calibration" window that appears, make sure that the `standard` body type is selected
Click on Calibrate.
After a short countdown, a new window will appear, with a progress bar and a counter. Simply move the headset with the markers attached as long as the progress bar is not complete
Make sure the counter displays the number of markers attached to the headset
Close the calibration windows and open the "Body Adjustment" window from the main window under Tracking > Body adjustment
Select the newly calibrated body from the drop-down list at the top of that window
Place the headset in view of the ART cameras, aligned the same way that the room was calibrated.
Toggle on the "use tracked orientation" box at the bottom of the window.
10. Click on "Set origin to COG" and "Adjust axes to room" from the panel on the right side. You can now uncheck "use tracked orientation"
11. If needed, adjust manually the center of the headset relative to the marker's positions using the "Body position" and "Body orientation" sections of the right panel.
12. Click on "Apply", then "OK". All done!
FusionHub intercalibration : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/di0dzqcdvhmm4m67wrtsf/FusionHub-Intercalibration-LPVR-AIR.mp4?rlkey=yrxlgfok7ghazf6kgemetd00k&st=uorf365v&dl=0
Procedure Overview
Make sure FusionHub is installed and configured to receive IMU and optical data.
You will also need a computer connected to the same network as the headset.
For this demo, we will use LP-ALVR to provide IMU data to FusionHub.
Launch FusionHub on the headset
Connect FusionHub to the GUI application using the internal IP address of the headset
To do so, input the headset IP address into the "Server URL" field, at the top of the GUI. If the GUI window is not big enough, you might have to click the three-dot icon at the top right
There should be a default port pre-specified, change it if needed. If you do not know FusionHub's port, leave it to the default value of `19358`
You will know when you are connected when the status color next to the "Server URL" field turns green
Move to the "Base Configurations" panel, either from the appropriate icon on the Dashboard or through the side menu (You might have to click the hamburger icon on the top left if your window is not big enough)
Turn on optical tracking and make sure that the `nOptical` counter (displayed under the "Auto Calibration" section of the "Base Configurations" panel) is increasing
Turn on IMU data and make sure that the `nIMU` counter is increasing
For this demo, we use LP-ALVR. the first step is to launch the alvr client on the headset
Once the client is awaiting a connection, we launch the streamer from the PC we wish to stream. This will prompt us to launch SteamVR if it is not already launched.
After SteamVR is operational (this might involve an automatic restart), the streamer should detect the headset and ask if we want to trust it. Clicking on "trust" should start the connection and FusionHub should start receiving IMU data.
At the bottom of the "Intercalibration" section, check the "Recalibrate on next restart" checkbox, and click on "Restart" right underneath
When FusionHub boots again, rotate the headset around not too quickly, but with big movements, marking with regular pauses to let the tracking catch up. If you see the `nUsedPoses` counter under the "Intercalibration" section go up, that means you are probably doing it correctly
When the `nUsedPoses` counter reaches 50 (it might take a few more poses), the computed calibration value should appear under the `quaternion` field
If the `nUsedPoses` counter goes back to 0, it means that the computation did not converge to an appropriate calibration. Usually, this means you rotated the headset too quickly
From there click on "Apply Intercalibration Results". Then, on the top of the "Configuration section", click on "Set", then "Save". This will cause FusionHub to restart. Hopefully, everything works now!
ALVR open source project: https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR
FusionHub documentation: FusionHub Manual