On this page we show a number of predefined marker setups for the LPVR VIVE Pro target. These files have been created using our automatic calibration algorithm and are a very close approximation of an ideal configuration.
For each setup we provide a corresponding body calibration file that can be loaded into ART DTrack. After loading the file, please do a re-calibration (using the recalibration functionality of DTrack’s body setup dialog). The body should now be accurately adjusted to provide a perfectly realistic VR impression to the user.
Load body calibration file and start re-calibration.
Move target in front of ART cameras to perform body calibration.
The resulting calibration will be very close to the original body file while accommodating for any slight shifts of the marker arrangement from the base configuration.
Configuration 1
Marker Arrangement
Configuration File
5 32.349 105.259 -95.092 -65.785 91.932 -7.459 -30.312 105.639 -95.828 -1.072 108.663 0.601 64.038 93.890 -7.769 # Description vive pro
Download link: Arrangement_1_VivePro_BodyFile.txt
Hand Controller
Marker Arrangement
Configuration File
5 -60.545 -71.109 -82.247 79.789 9.784 6.162 -16.518 -24.682 -66.242 -74.652 22.949 -24.178 55.610 -5.767 -65.930 # Description Controller
Download link: Arrangement_1_VivePro_BodyFile.txt