LPMS-Control Software

LPMS-Control Software


The LPMS-Control application allows users to control various aspects of an LPMS device from a PC. The application has the following core functionality:

List all LPMS devices connected to the system

  • Connect to up to 256 sensors simultaneously

  • Adjust all sensor parameters (sensor range etc.).

  • Set orientation offsets

  • Initiate accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer calibration.

  • Display the acquired data in real-time either as line graphs or a 3D image

  • Record data from the sensors to a CSV data file

  • Play back data from a previously recorded CSV file

  • Upload new firmware and in-application-programming software to the sensor

LPMS-Control can be downloaded directly from the LP-Research website support page.

GUI Elements

Toolbar Items

The key functionality of LpmsControl can be accessed via the toolbar. See an overview of the toolbar in Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9.

Figure 6 - Connection toolbar

Figure 7 - Recording and playback toolbar

Figure 8 - Orientation offset toolbar

Figure 9 - Window selector

Menu Items

Menu title

Menu item


Connect menu





Connects to sensor selected in "Preferred devices" list



Disconnects sensor currently selected in "Connected devices" list


Add / remove sensor

Opens "Scan devices" dialog


Exit program

Exits the application

Measurement menu




Stop measurement

Toggles measurement


Browse record file

Opens browser for selectinga file for data recording


Record data

Toggles data recording


Browse replay file


Opens browser for selecting a playback file


Playback data

Starts data playback

Calibration menu




Calibrate gyroscope

Starts manual gyroscope calibration


Calibrate mag. (ellipsoid fit)

Starts magnetometer calibration wizard for ellipsoid fit calibration


Calibrate mag. (min/max fit)

Starts magnetometer calibration wizard for min/max fit calibration


Save parameters to sensor

Saves parameters to sensor flash memory


Save calibrationfile

Saves file with calibration data


Load calibrationfile

Loads file with calibration data


Set offset

Sets sensor orientation offset (depending on "Reset target" and "Reset method")


Reset offset

Resets sensor orientation offset (depending on "Reset target")


Arm timestamp reset

Arms hardware timestamp reset


Reset to factory settings

Resets sensor settings to factory default





Graph window

Selects raw data graph window


Orientation window

Selects orientation graph window


Pressure window

Selects pressure graph window


3D visualization

Selects 3D visualization window


3D view mode 1

Selects view mode 1


3D view mode 2

Selects view mode 2


3D view mode 4

Selects view mode 4


Load object file

Loads 3D OBJ file





Upload firmware

Uploads firmware file


Upload IAP

Uploads in-application-programmer file


Start self test

Starts self-test


Calibrate acc. misalignment

Starts accelerometer calibration wizard


Calibrate gyr. misalignment

Starts gyroscope calibration wizard


Calibrate mag. misalignment (HH-coils)

Starts magnetometer calibration wizard (Helmholtz coils mode)


Calibrate mag. misalignment (auto)

Starts magnetometer calibration wizard (automatic mode)


Version info

Displays version information dialog

Connected Devices List

Devices connected to the system are shown in the Connected devices list. Through this list each sensor parameter can be adjusted according to the table below.

Top level item

Parameter item







Displays the current connection status

OK: Connection successful

In progress: Currently connecting

Failed: Connection failed



Sensor status

Displays the current sensor status

Started: Sensor measurement is running

Stopped: Sensor measurement stopped



Device ID

Current device ID


Firmware version

Firmware version

ID / sampling rate





Selects OpenMAT ID


Transmission rate

Selects data transmission rate





GYR range

Selects gyroscope range


ACC range

Selects accelerometer range


MAG range

Selects magnetometer range





Filter mode

Selects filter mode


MAG correction

Selects magnetometer correction mode


Lin. ACC correction

Selects linear acceleration correction mode


Rot. ACC correction

Selects centripetal acceleration correction


GYR threshold

Selects gyroscope threshold


GYR autocalibration

Selects auto-calibration setting


Low-pass filter

Selects low-pass filter setting (deprecated)





LP-BUS data mode

Switches between 16-bit integer or 32-bit floating point mode


Enabled data

Selects data to be enabled for transmission from the sensor





Baud rate

Selects the UART transmission baud rate


Data format

Switches between LP-BUS and ASCII format output

CAN bus




CAN baudrate

Selects baud rate for CAN communication


Channel mode

Selects CAN channel mode


Value mode

Selects CAN value mode


Start ID

CAN start ID for sequential mode


Heartbeat freq.

Heartbeat frequency


Channel 1-16

CAN channel assignment

NOTE: Parameter adjustments are normally only persistent until the sensor is switched off. You can permanently save the newly adjusted parameters to the LPMS flash memory by selecting Save parameters to sensor in the Calibration menu of LPMS-Control.

Scanning, Discovering and Saving Devices

Discovering devices, especially Bluetooth devices, can be quite time-consuming. Therefore LPMS-Control allows scanning for devices once and then saves the device identification in a list of preferred devices. Figure 10 shows the device discovery dialog. To add a device to the preferred devices list, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click "Scan devices" and wait until the scanning process is finished.

  2. Select the target device from the discovered devices list

  3. Click "Add device" to add the device to the Preferred devices list

  4. Click Save devices to save the list of preferred devices

Figure 10 - Discover devices dialog

Connecting and Disconnecting a Device

To connect to an LPMS device, please follow the steps below.

  1. Select device to connect to in "Preferred devices" dropdown list.

  2. Click "Connect" button.

  3. Sensor status should now be "Connecting..".

  4. Connection establishment should take between 2 and 5 seconds.

If the connection is successful, the sensor status should switch to "Connected". The sensor will start measuring automatically after connecting. Should the connection procedure fail for some reason, “Failed” will be displayed. If a successful connection is interrupted the connection status will change to "Connection interrupted".

NOTE: Please make sure that you have no 3rd party Bluetooth driver (Toshiba, Bluesoleil etc.) installed on your system. LPMS-Control uses the native Windows Bluetooth driver and any other driver will block communication with the native Windows driver. The Windows Bluetooth pairing functionality will be automatically started when connecting to the sensor from LPMS-Control. A PIN code should not be required for connecting with the LPMS.

Recording and Playing Back Data

LPMS-Control allows recording and playback of sensor data. Recorded data is saved in a CSV format that can be easily processed by Excel, MATLAB etc. Saved files can be loaded into LPSM-Control and played back. Now only playback of the sensor with the lowest OpenMAT ID in the file is possible. To start data recording please follow the steps below:

  1. Select "Measurement" ->"Browse record file" and choose a filename that you would like to record to.

  2. Start the recording by selecting "Measurement -> Record" data.

  3. Once you have collected enough data stop the recording by selecting "Measurement" ->"Stop recording".

To replay a data file, do the following:

  1. Select "Measurement" ->"Browse replay" file and select a file that you would like to replay.

  2. Start replay by selecting "Measurement" ->"Replay data".

  3. Replay will loop automatically. Once you would like to stop replay select "Measurement" ->"Stop replay data".

NOTE: LPMS-Control automatically applies calibration parameters to raw sensor data and therefore records and displays calibrated sensor data.

Switching View Modes

LPMS-Control can visualize sensor orientation data either as data graphs or as 3D representation. In 3D view mode the orientation of the sensor is shown as a 3D cube. Up to 4 sensors can be shown simultaneously in one window. In this multi-view mode, which sensors are visualized can be adjusted by assigning an IMU ID to each window (see Figure 11).

Figure 11 - Viewing the orientation of 4 connected LPMS at the same time

By selecting Load object file from the View menu, custom 3D data can be loaded into LPMS-Control as shown in Figure 12.

NOTE: LPMS-Control so far only supports the OBJ file format for loading 3D CAD files. We recommend exporting files in this format from the open-source 3D visualizer Meshlab: http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/

Figure 12 - Custom 3D OBJ data can be loaded into the visualization window

Uploading New Firmware

Please follow the following steps carefully when you are updating the sensor firmware. Invalid operation might result in an incomplete firmware update and brick the sensor.

  1. Start your current LPMS-Control software.

  2. Connect to the sensor you would like to update.

  3. Choose the “Save parameters to file” function from the “Calibration” menu of LPMS-Control to save the current sensor calibration results into a .txt file on your local host system.

  4. Select Upload firmware function in the “Advanced” menu.

  5. Click OK and select the new firmware file. Be careful that you select the right file which should be named as LpmsXFirmwareX.X.X.bin (with X being the sensor type identifier and firmware version).

  6. Wait for the upload process to finish. It should take around 30 seconds. At around 15s the green LED on the sensor should begin to blink rapidly (~10 Hz).

  7. Disconnect from the sensor and exit LPMS-Control.

  8. Now install the new LPMS-Control application. The previous LPMS-Control application does not need to be un-installed.

  9. Start LPMS-Control and connect to your sensor.

  10. Choose the “Load parameters fromfile” function from the “Calibration” menu of LPMS-Control to recover the previous sensor calibration results.

  11. Choose the “Save parameters”tosensor function from the calibration menu of LPMS-Control to save the previous sensor calibration results into sensor flash.

  12. The update is finished. Make sure everything works as expected.

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