LPMS2 Command List
- 1 Acknowledged and Not-acknowledged Identifiers
- 2 Firmware Update and In-Application-Programmer Upload Commands
- 3 Configuration and Status Commands
- 4 Mode Switching Commands
- 5 Data Transmission Commands
- 6 Register Value Save and Reset Command
- 7 Reference Setting and Offset Reset Command
- 8 Self-Test Command
- 9 IMU ID Setting Command
- 10 Gyroscope Settings Command
- 11 Accelerometer Settings Command
- 12 Magnetometer Settings Command
- 13 Filter Settings Command
- 14 UART Settings Commands
- 15 CAN Bus Settings Command
Acknowledged and Not-acknowledged Identifiers
Identifier: Name: Description: | 0 REPLY_ACK Confirms a successful SET command. |
Identifier: Name: Description: | 1 REPLY_NACK Reports an error during processing a SET command. |
Firmware Update and In-Application-Programmer Upload Commands
Identifier: Name: Description:
Packet data: Data format: Response: | 2 UPDATE_FIRMWARE Start the firmware update process. NOTE: By not correctly uploading a firmware file the sensor might become in-operable. Please only use authorized firmware packages. Firmware data Firmware binary file separated into 256 byte chunks for each update packet. ACK (success) or NACK (error) for each transmitted packet. |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: Response: | 3 UPDATE_IAP Start the in-application programmer (IAP) update process. IAP data IAP binary file separated into 256 byte chunks for each update packet. ACK (success) or NACK (error) for each transmitted packet. |
Configuration and Status Commands
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data:
| 4 GET_CONFIG Get the current value of the configuration register of the sensor. The configuration word is read-only. The different parameters are set by their respective SET commands. E.g. SET_TRANSMIT_DATA for defining which data is transmitted from the sensor. Configuration word. Each bit represents the state of one configuration parameter. 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: | 5 GET_STATUS Get the current value of the status register of the LPMS device. The status word is read-only. Status indicator. Each bit represents the state of one status parameter. 32-bit integer. A high bit (1) indicates the following status: bit 0: Command Mode enabled |
Mode Switching Commands
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: | 6 GOTO_COMMAND_MODE Switch to command mode. In command mode the user can issue commands to the firmware to perform calibration, set parameters etc. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description:
Response: | 7 GOTO_STREAM_MODE Switch to streaming mode. In this mode data is continuously streamed from the sensor,and all other commands cannot be performed until the sensor receives the GOTO_COMMAND_MODE command. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Data Transmission Commands
Identifier: Name: Description:
Data format: | 9 GET_SENSOR_DATA Retrieves the latest set of sensor data. A data packet will be composed as defined by SET_TRANSMIT_DATA. The currently set format can be retrieved with the sensor configuration word. See the LP-BUS protocol explanation for a description of the measurement data format. |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: Response: | 10 SET_TRANSMIT_DATA Set the data that is transmitted from the sensor in streaming mode or when retrieving data through the GET_SENSOR_DATA command. Data selection indicator 32-bit integer. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description:
Packet data: Data format: Response: | 11 SET_STREAM_FREQ Set the timing in which streaming data is sent to the host. Please note that high frequencies might be not practically applicable due to limitations of the communication interface. Check the current baudrate before setting this parameter. Update frequency identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: Response: | 75 SET_LPBUS_DATA_MODE Sets current data mode for LP-BUS (binary) output. Data mode identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: Response: | 66 SET_TIMESTAMP Sets current sensor timestamp counter. Counter increments at 400Hz, 2.5ms. To set time stamp at 1s, counter should be set to 400. Timestamp data Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Response: | 83 SET_ARM_HARDWARE_TIMESTAMP_RESET Arms hardware timestamp reset None ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Register Value Save and Reset Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: | 15 WRITE_REGISTERS Write the currently set parameters to flash memory. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: | 16 RESTORE_FACTORY_VALUE Reset the LPMS parameters to factory default values. Please note that upon issuing this command your currently set parameters will be erased. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Reference Setting and Offset Reset Command
Identifier: Name: Description:
Data format: Response: | 18 SET_OFFSET Sets the orientation offset using one of the three offset methods. Orientation offset mode 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: | 82 RESET_ORIENTATION_OFFSET Reset the orientation offset to 0 (unity quaternion). ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Self-Test Command
Identifier: Name: Description:
Response: | 19 SELF_TEST Initiate the self-test. During the self test the sensor automatically rotates about the three room axes. To simulate realistic circumstances an artificial offset is applied to the magnetometer and the gyroscope values. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
IMU ID Setting Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Data format: Response: | 20 SET_IMU_ID Set the OpenMAT ID. OpenMAT ID 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Return format: | 21 GET_IMU_ID Get the ID (OpenMAT ID) of the device. The ID of the IMU device 32-bit integer |
Gyroscope Settings Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: | 22 START_GYR_CALIBRATION Start the calibration of the gyroscope sensor. ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 23 ENABLE_GYR_AUTOCAL Enable or disable auto-calibration of the gyroscope. Gyroscope auto-calibration enable / disable identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 24 ENABLE_GYR_THRES Enable or disable gyroscope threshold. Gyroscope threshold enable / disable identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 25 SET_GYR_RANGE Set the current range of the gyroscope. Gyroscope range identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Returnformat: | 26 GET_GYR_RANGE Get current gyroscope range. Gyroscope range indicator 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 48 SET_GYR_ALIGN_BIAS Set gyroscope alignment bias. Gyroscope alignment bias Float 3-vector ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 49 GET_GYR_ALIGN_BIAS Get gyroscope alignment bias. Gyroscope alignment bias Float 3-vector |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 50 GET_GYR_ALIGN_MATRIX Set gyroscope alignment matrix. Gyroscope alignment matrix Float 3x3 matrix ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 51 GET_GYR_ALIGN_MATRIX Get gyroscope alignment matrix. Gyroscope alignment matrix Float 3x3 matrix |
Accelerometer Settings Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 27 SET_ACC_BIAS Set the accelerometer bias. Accelerometer bias (X, Y, Z-axis) 32-bit integer encoded float 3-component vector ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 28 GET_ACC_BIAS Get the current accelerometer bias vector. Accelerometer bias vector 32-bit integer encoded float 3-component vector |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 29 SET_ACC_ALIG Set the accelerometer alignment matrix. Alignment matrix 32-bit integer encoded float 3 x 3 matrix ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 30 GET_ACC_ALIG Get the current accelerometer alignment matrix. Accelerometer alignment matrix 32-bit integer encoded float 3 x 3 matrix |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 31 SET_ACC_RANGE Set the current range of the accelerometer. Accelerometer range identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 32 GET_ACC_RANGE Get current accelerometer range. Accelerometer range indicator 32-bit integer |
Magnetometer Settings Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 33 SET_MAG_RANGE Set the current range of the magnetometer. Magnetometer range identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 34 GET_MAG_RANGE Get current magnetometer range. Magnetometer range indicator (same as above) 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 35 SET_HARD_IRON_OFFSET Set the current hard iron offset vector. Hard iron offset values 32-bit integer encoded 3-element float vector ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 36 GET_HARD_IRON_OFFSET Get current hard iron offset vector. Hard iron offset values 32-bit integer encoded 3-element float vector |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 37 SET_SOFT_IRON_MATRIX Set the current soft iron matrix. Soft iron matrix values 32-bit integer encoded 9-element (3x3) float matrix ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 38 GET_SOFT_IRON_MATRIX Get the current soft iron matrix. Soft iron matrix values 32-bit integer encoded 9-element (3x3) float matrix |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 39 SET_FIELD_ESTIMATE Set the current earth magnetic field strength estimate. Field estimate value in uT 32-bit integer encoded float ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 40 GET_FIELD_ESTIMATE Get the current earth magnetic field strength estimate. Field estimate value in uT Int32 |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 76 SET_MAG_ALIGNMENT_MATRIX Sets the magnetometer misalignment matrix. Misalignment matrix Matrix3x3f ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 77 SET_MAG_ALIGNMENT_BIAS Sets the magnetometer misalignment bias. Misalignment bias Vector3f ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 78 SET_MAG_REFRENCE Sets the magnetometer reference vector. Misalignment matrix Vector3f ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 79 GET_MAG_ALIGNMENT_MATRIX Gets magnetometer misalignment matrix. Misalignment matrix Matrix3x3f |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 80 GET_MAG_ALIGNMENT_BIAS Gets magnetometer misalignment bias. Misalignment bias Vector3f |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 81 GET_MAG_REFERENCE Gets magnetometer reference. Magnetometer reference vector Vector3f |
Filter Settings Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 41 SET_FILTER_MODE Set the sensor filter mode. Mode identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 42 GET_FILTER_MODE Get the currently selected filter mode. Filter mode identifier 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 43 SET_FILTER_PRESET Set one of the filter parameter presets. Magnetometer correction strength preset identifier [ TO-DO ] 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 44 GET_FILTER_PRESET Get the currently magnetometer correction strength preset Magnetometer correctionstrength preset identifier 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 60 (deprecated) SET_RAW_DATA_LP Set raw data low-pass Low pass strength Float ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 61 (deprecated) GET_RAW_DATA_LP Get raw data low-pass Low pass strength Float |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 67 SET_LIN_ACC_COMP_MODE Sets linear acceleration compensation mode. Mode identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 68 GET_LIN_ACC_COMP_MODE Gets linear acceleration compensation mode. Mode identifier 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 69 SET_CENTRI_COMP_MODE Sets centripetal acceleration compensation mode. Mode identifier 32-bit integer ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 70 GET_CENTRI_COMP_MODE Gets centripetal acceleration compensation mode. Mode identifier 32-bit integer |
UART Settings Commands
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 84 SET_UART_BAUDRATE Sets the current UART baud rate. Baud rate data Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 85 GET_UART_BAUDRATE Gets current UART baud rate. Baud rate identifier 32-bit integer |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 86 SET_UART_FORMAT Sets UART communication format, Communication format identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
CAN Bus Settings Command
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 46 SET_CAN_BAUDRATE Sets CAN baud rate. Baud rate identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data:
Format: Response: | 62 SET_CAN_MAPPING Sets CANopen data format mapping. The mapping data consists of 8 integer words. Each of these words represents the assignment of half a CANopen transmission object / message (TPDO) to specific sensor data. Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 63 GET_CAN_MAPPING Gets CANopen mapping. Mapping identifier Int32 |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 64 SET_CAN_HEARTBEAT Sets CANopen heartbeat frequency Frequency identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 65 GET_CAN_HEARTBEAT Gets CAN heartbeat frequency Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Response: Return format: | 71 GET_CAN_CONFIGURATION Sets the current CAN channel mode. Channel mode identifier Int32 |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 72 SET_CAN_CHANNEL_MODE Sets the current CAN channel mode. Channel mode identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 73 SET_CAN_POINT_MODE Sets the current CAN point mode. Point mode identifier Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |
Identifier: Name: Description: Packet data: Format: Response: | 74 SET_CAN_START_ID Sets current CAN message start ID. Start ID Int32 ACK (success) or NACK (error) |