LPMS Data Logger Manual

LPMS Data Logger Manual


LPMS Data Logger is a compact data logger designed to interface with LP’s wireless LPMS-B2 sensors. The logger can connect and log up to maximum 7 LPMS-B2 sensors simultaneously. The internal memory can store up to 30G of sensor data. The logger provides a web based user interface, which allow users to control the logger via PC or smart phone connected to the same network.


  • Compact design

  • Web based user interface to control sensor settings and data logging

  • Built in file manager to manage and download logged files

  • Large storage capacity, up to 30G of free memory for data logging

  • Connects up to 7 LPMS-B2 sensors

Getting started

Network connection setup

LPMS Data Logger requires network connection (internal LAN) in order to access to the web based user interface. User is also required to know the IP address of the logger in order to establish connection to the logger. The logger is able to connect to internal LAN via the LAN port or Wifi.

LpmsLogger with Ubuntu Server OS

Follow the steps below to setup network connection of the logger:

  1. Connects a monitor.

  2. Connects LAN cable to the logger.

  3. Power up the logger

  4. Once the logger boots up, you should see the following prompt on the monitor

  5. Enter the IP address shown in the step above in a web browser.

  6. You should be able to see the web interface of the logger


LpmsLogger with Ubuntu Desktop OS

This information only applies to logger with Ubuntu Desktop OS.

Follow the steps below to setup network connection of the logger:

  1. Connects a monitor, keyboard and mouse to the logger.

  2. Connects LAN cable to the logger if connection is established via LAN port. No additional hardware connection is required if connection is established via Wifi.

  3. Power up the logger

  4. Use the following credential to login:

    • username: user

    • password: password

  5. Once logged in, right click on the desktop and select Settings, as shown below:


For WIFI connection, select Wi-Fi tab and connects to selected network.


Once connection is established, select the cog icon to see the information of the connection. Note down the IP address of the logger. In this example, it is

For LAN cable connection, select “Network” tab and select the cog icon to bring up the info panel of the network

Note down the IP address of the logger. In this example, it is



The steps above allows you to connect the logger to a local network and obtain an IP address. The IP address will be use to connect to the logger. Open up a browser (on the logger or another PC in the same network) and key in the IP address. The logger dashboard should be shown as below.

User Interface

Adding a sensor

To add a sensor, click on “Add Sensor” Button

On the pop up dialog, key in the mac address of the LPMS-B2 sensor. You can edit the settings of the sensor accordingly. Press confirm to add the sensor.

Note: format of mac address of LPMS-B2 has to be colon separated, eg: 00:11:22:33:44:55

A list of added sensors will be shown in the sensor connection card.

Please note that the maximum 7 LPMS-B2 can be connected to the logger simultaneously due to bandwidth limitation of bluetooth

Sensor Scanning

Sensor scanning feature is added to logger with UI version >= 1.1.1 Server version >=1.1.4. Press “Scan” to automatically list available LpmsB2 sensors. Please note that scanning might take up to 20s to complete. User can still manually key in the sensor ID in the input space.


Connect to sensor

Press connect button to establish connection to the sensor. Once connected, the status of the sensor will change to “Connected”

Changing sensor settings

To change sensor settings, press the edit icon in the Action column. Sensors Settings dialog will pop up to allow changing of sensor settings. Click “Confirm” to apply changes. Please note that settings cannot be change will data is logging.

Log duration and log directory settings

User can set the log duration (the time duration of 1 csv file) via the Log Duration edit icon. Minimum log duration is 1 minutes and maximum is 30 minutes. For example, if log duration is set to 1min, the logger will save a new csv file for each connected sensor every 1 minute until data logging is stopped.

User can set the log directory via the Log Directory edit icon. A new folder (if not exists) will be created and sensor data will be logged to the specified folder.

Data logging

Press Start button on the Data Logging Card to start data logging. The start time, elapsed time and list of saved file will be shown in the card. Press Stop button to terminate data logging.

Removing sensor

To remove a sensor, click on the remove icon under Action column. A prompt to confirm delete will be shown. Please note that user can only remove the sensor when data logging is stopped.

File Manager

Click on the File Browser menu to bring up the file manager. Basic file managing such as create, copy, download, delete, etc… can be performed via this user interface.

Remote Desktop

This information only applies to logger with Ubuntu Desktop OS. For newer logger with Ubuntu Server OS, please use the web admin instead.

Lpms data logger is setup to allow remote desktop connection. User can use Windows Remote Desktop app, or any remote desktop client like Remmina in Linux to establish connection. Use the following credential to establish connection:

  • IP: ip address of LpmsDataLogger

  • Username: user

  • Password: password

Web admin

This information only applies to logger with Ubuntu Server OS

User can manage the logger remotely using the web admin tool. Use the following information to access to web admin page:

  • URL: https://<IP_Address>:9090

  • Username: user

  • Password: password

Software upgrade

We will be releasing software upgrades from time to time. To upgrade the software, upload our update packages (eg upgrade_x.x.x.zip) to the root directory and reboot the system. The system will automatically upgrade the software.

Check the software version on the footer of the dashboard to confirm the software is the latest version:


Change Log

UI version 1.1.1 Server 1.1.4

  • Add LpmsB2 scanning feature

  • Add sensor auto reconnect feature. Default is 15 tries per sensor, 2.5 wait time per retry

  • Update timestamp format to YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.sss

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