Settings Static IP Address

Settings Static IP Address

Step 1

Access to LPMS data logger admin page via: https://<logger ip address>:9090

In this example the logger ip is

Login using the following default credential:

Username: user

Password: password

Step 2

Go to terminal

Make a copy of the default config file

$ sudo cp /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml.bak

Make another copy to lpms data logger file browser folder for editing

“sudo” prefix is omitted so that user can edit the file via logger file browser

$ cp /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml /opt/lpmsdatalogger/logs


Step 3

Access to LPMS data logger file browser via: http://<logger ip address>

Click on 00-installer-config.yaml and edit the content based on the following template

network: renderer: networkd ethernets: インターフェース名: dhcp4: false dhcp6: false addresses: [IPアドレス] nameservers: addresses: [DNSアドレス] routes: - to: default via: デフォルトゲートウェイのIPアドレス version: 2


Sample config:

Please edit the following content according to your settings. Pay attention to ethernet interface name and default gateway ip address.

In this example, my network interface name is enp2s0 and I am setting the static ip address to

network: renderer: networkd ethernets: enp2s0: dhcp4: false dhcp6: false addresses: - nameservers: addresses: [] routes: - to: default via: version: 2


Save the file

Step 4

Copy the newly edited file to /etc/netplan

$ sudo cp /opt/lpmsdatalogger/logs/00-installer-config.yaml /etc/netplan

Step 5

Apply the new netplan settings

$ sudo netplan apply

The IP address of the logger should be set to the new static ip address.


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