LPVR-DUO Check List
LPVR-DUO Check List
Please follow the steps below to confirm that your LPVR-DUO setup is functional:
Make sure the headset is connected
Make sure in-car IMU is connected (check USB connection, if in doubt, use IG1-Control to confirm connection)
Start ART DTrack, make sure no measurement is running
(Re)start Varjo Base
Select LPVR-DUO-Varjo tracking plug-in in Varjo Base
In a webbrowser, go to http://localhost:7119
Expand status display, verify that the headset IMU is "active"
Tap in-car imu manually, verify that VR content moves in response
Start measurement in DTrack
Put headset into view, verify that status display of ART becomes "active"
Verify response to positional change
Ready (or not)