How to access expert settings for LPVR-CAD VIVE

How to access expert settings for LPVR-CAD VIVE


In some cases, for example certain debugging scenarios, it might not be sufficient to adjust LPVR-CAD’s settings in the simplified web interface. In this case direct access to the parameter script is needed. Find the instructions how to open it here.


  • Go to the configuration page in your browser: http://localhost:7119/

  • Open the JavaScript console of your browser as described here.

  • Enter pageSettings.fullConfig = true in the console to switch from the simplified GUI to the expert script editor

  • Make changes to the script and active them by clicking on Push to driver.


Track headset with optical system-only (no IMU)

  • Run optical tracking

  • If it doesn’t exist yet, in imuSources create

    { "id": "no_imu", "type": "None” }
  • Set "imuSource": "my_imu" in trackedObjects

Within the range of the optical system, the HMD should now be orientation and position tracked. The tracking will feel a lot less smooth when only using the optical system. However, this mode is a good way to assess the quality of the rigid body adjustment. If orientation tracking completely off, it is better to readjust the rigid body.

Track headset with IMU-only (no optical)

  • Stop optical tracking

  • Set "ignoreGravity": false to turn on the vertical gravity reference

  • Set "combinerType": "Default" to turn off relative orientation tracking with the reference IMU

With these settings the headset will be tracked by the HMD IMU only. When wearing the headset, if the IMU alignment settings are correct, orientation tracking should feel natural. Please note that without optical system there is no position tracking. If orientation tracking is not working well, the alignment between IMU and the HMD optics (display, lenses) is not good.


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