LPVR-DUO Calibration Manual

LPVR-DUO Calibration Manual

LPVR is optimized to work with ART optical tracking. Should you use LPVR with an Optitrack optical tracking system, please refer to this article for the correct marker arrangement and body adjustment in Motive.


Make sure the LPVR-DUO driver is correctly installed as described in the Setup Instructions.

The calibration of LPVR-DUO consists of 2 parts:

  • Calibration of the HMD rigid body

  • Calibration of the vehicle-fixed IMU

Adjustments to the calibration are all done via the JSON configuration script of LPVR.

JSON Configuration File

See below a default configuration file for LPVR-DUO.

It is stored in your system as [path_to_your_driver]\resources\configuration\settings.json. You can edit the file directly using your favorite editor or use the LPVR web interface at http://localhost:7118/index.html.


  • In the web interface of LPVR-DUO { "PoseMachineConfig": will not be displayed, it is only visible in the source code of the configuration file.

  • The web interface will only be displayed if the driver is running, i.e. SteamVR with the driver activated is running.

  • If there is an unexpected error in starting your current configuration a dummy configuration is displayed. Check the SteamVR log for the source of the error and edit settings.json directly.

{ "PoseMachineConfig": { "absoluteSources": { "my_dtrack": { "settings": { "port": 5000, "oneBasedCounting": true }, "type": "DTrack" } }, "emitters": { "HMD": { "settings": { "type": "HMD" }, "type": "OpenVR" }, "console": { "type": "Console" } }, "imuSources": { "hmd_imu": { "type": "ViveHeadset" }, "ref_imu": { "type": "OpenZen", "settings": { "autodetectType": "ig1" } }, "no_imu": { "type": "None" } }, "trackedObjects": [ { "absoluteSource": { "_the headset body id": "goes here", "name": "my_dtrack", "trackingId": 1 }, "combinerType": "DifferentialImu", "emitterName": "HMD", "imuSource": "hmd_imu", "settings": { "ignoreGravity": true, "opticalWeight": 0.005, "referenceImu": "ref_imu", "referenceOrientationQuat": { "w": 1, "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "referenceToOpticalQuat": { "w": 1, "x": 0, "y": 0,