Predefined Optical Target Configurations
On this page we show a number of predefined marker setups for optical marker target. These files have been created using our automatic calibration algorithm or data from the manufacturer and are a very close approximation of an ideal configuration.
For each setup we provide a corresponding body calibration file that can be loaded into ART DTrack. After loading the file, please do a re-calibration (using the recalibration functionality of DTrack’s body setup dialog). The body should now be accurately adjusted to provide a perfectly realistic VR impression to the user.
Load body calibration file and start re-calibration.
Move target in front of ART cameras to perform body calibration.
The resulting calibration will be very close to the original body file while accommodating for any slight shifts of the marker arrangement from the base configuration.
ART Marker Targets for Varjo XR-3
Tokiwa Marker Target for Varjo XR-3/VR-3
Marker Targets for Varjo XR-4
Please select the body file corresponding to your marker holder below. After setting it up on your ART controller, please be sure to run the recalibration.
These are the body files for the LP-Research marker holders. Installation of this target is demonstrated in a video which can be found here HOW-TO: Optical Target for Varjo XR-4 on Vimeo
Below are the Body Files from ART for their marker holders for the XR-4
For Optitrack these files come in two variants: for Motive 2 (names end in .motive
)and Motive 3 (names end in .csv
). For optimal tracking the rigid bodies need to be refined (a function in the Builder pane of Optitrack, documentation here: Builder Pane | EXTERNAL Optitrack Documentation)
ART Marker Targets for VIVE Pro
Former LP-RESEARCH Marker Target (pre-2022) for VIVE Pro
HMD Marker Arrangement
Configuration File
74.2739 99.1553 -2.5544
-80.4944 70.9935 -54.8172
79.6265 72.6489 -53.4303
38.9542 134.404 -70.6349
-36.2457 109.349 2.17033
# Description
Download link: Arrangement_1_VivePro_BodyFile.txt
Hand Controller Marker Arrangement
Configuration File
42.1317 -53.4253 -114.761
-78.2796 49.1705 -16.3554
0.190853 -8.15061 -101.815
65.6643 53.8687 -32.7355
-39.6649 -14.8896 -101.99
# Description
Download link: Arrangement_1_HandController_BodyFile.txt