LPVR Configuration Settings

LPVR Configuration Settings

Overview of LPVR-CAD / LPVR-DUO Signal Flow

LPVR-CAD combines input from an optical tracking source with data from an IMU attached or built-into the head mounted display. For the combiner to be able to fuse the information from both sources they need to be in the same coordinate system. Pose data from the optical tracking system is transformed into headset IMU coordinates. After the fusion the resulting pose data is transformed back into the global coordinate system and output to the 3D engine. An overview of the signal flow is shown in the diagram below. Transformations are marked in blue.

LPVR-CAD signal flow

LPVR-DUO adds another combiner, the so-called differential combiner in front of the default combiner. For the system to operate inside a car, car rotation and head rotation need to be separated. The differential combiner takes as input the HMD IMU data and combines it with gyroscope and accelerometer information from the platform IMU. The operation takes place in the IMU coordinate system. The block diagram below shows an overview of the signal flow.

LPVR-DUO signal flow

JSON File Structure Overview

The JSON configuration file defines the input/output and processing components within LPVR. More specifically there are on overall header tag and four sub-module types:


JSON Tag Name



JSON Tag Name




Header tag that preceeds the definition of all sub-modules



Defines the absolute positioning (optical tracking) devices used to acquire global poses



Defines sources for IMU orientation data



Defines how objects are tracked i.e. their data sources and how the different data sources are combined



Defines the output target of the sensor fusion done for trackedObjects. This is usually an HMD.

The configuration file consists of these components to define the flow of input signals to output signals. The input to a typical system would consist of an absoluteSources structure for an optical tracking input, one or more imuSources and one or more emitters to output the information. All input data is combined in the trackedObjects structure that defines the parameters of the sensor fusion and signal routing. The figure below shows an overview of the structure of a configuration file that works for differential IMU hea