How to Adjust LPMS Internal IMU Settings
The internal settings (e.g. output data rate, low pass filter) of the imu chip in LPMS sensors can be adjusted to provide different responsiveness in different application. The available settings are listed below:
LPMS-IG1 Series
In the settings file the following lines can be edited to change the filter settings for LPMS-IG1 gyroscope and accelerometer:
IG1 with ICM42670 imu
Key | Description | Available Values |
AR | Acc Range (g) | 2, 4 (default), 8, 16 |
AOR | Acc output data rate (Hz) | 1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 100 (default), 200, 400, 800, 1600 |
AF | Acc 3-dB bandwidth (Hz) | 16 (default), 25, 34, 53, 73, 121, 180, |
GR | Gyro range (dps) | 400 (default), 1000, 2000 |
G1OR | GyroI (high precision) output data rate (Hz) | 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800 (default) |
G1F | GyroI (high precision) low pass filter settings | value of G1F is calculated as: G1F = LpfOrder*1000 + LpfFrequency where:
G2OR | GyroII (high range) output data rate | 12, 25, 50, 100 (default), 200, 400, 800, 1600 |
G2F | GyroII (high range) 3-db bandwidth (Hz) | 16 (default), 25, 34, 53, 73, 121, 180, |
Default settings:
AR: 4
AOR: 100
AF: 16
GR: 400
G1OR: 12800
G1F: 4010
G2OR: 100
G2F: 16
IG1 with ICM20600 imu
Key | Description | Available Values |
AR | Acc Range (g) | 2, 4 (default), 8, 16 |
AOR | Acc output data rate (Hz) | 3, 7, 15, 31, 62, 100 (default), 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000 |
AF | Acc 3-dB bandwidth (Hz) | 5, 10 (default), 21, 45, 99, 218, 420 |
GR | Gyro range (dps) | 400 (default), 1000, 2000 |
G1OR | GyroI (high precision) output data rate (Hz) | 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800 (default) |
G1F | GyroI (high precision) low pass filter settings | value of G1F is calculated as: G1F = LpfOrder*1000 + LpfFrequency where:
G2OR | GyroII (high range) output data rate | 3, 7, 15, 31, 62, 100 (default), 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000 |
G2F | GyroII (high range) 3-db bandwidth (Hz) | 5, 10 (default), 20, 41, 92, 176 |
IMPORTANT: For ICM20600, please make sure AOR and G2OR settings are the same. This is because the accelerometer and gyroscope II belongs to the same chip and share the same data output rate. In case of different values, G2OR value will be used to set the chip data output rate. Please note that the parameters will be erased and revert to default values if a factory reset is performed.
Default settings:
AR: 4
AOR: 100
AF: 10
GR: 400
G1OR: 12800
G1F: 4010
G2OR: 100
G2F: 10
LPMS3 Series
Key | Description | Available Values |
AR | Acc Range (g) | 2, 4 (default), 8, 16 |
AOR | Acc output data rate (Hz) | 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416, 833, 1660 (default), 3330, 6660 |
AF | Acc 3-dB bandwidth (Hz) | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (See CTRL8_XL Register) |
GR | Gyro range (dps) | 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 (default) |
G2OR | Gyro (high range) output data rate | 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416, 833, 1660 (default), 3330. 6660 |
G2F | Gyro (high range) 3-db bandwidth (Hz) | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, |
How to update settings
In this example, we are changing the low pass filter settings of the GyroI (high precision) gyroscope. Please follow the steps below to do this:
Create a yaml file, eg. IG1_G1_LP2500.yaml, with the following content:
Open LpmsControl2 and connect to LPMS-IG1
Upload the created IG1_G1_LP2500.yaml settings to sensor:
menu bar → Settings → Load settings from file > Select IG1_G1_LP2500.yamlPlease check and make sure the “Sensor Response” window is showing ACK response, indicating successful settings update.
Save settings to sensor:
menu bar → Settings → Save parameters to sensorPower cycle. The sensor should now respond faster to orientation changes.
You can save a copy of the settings to file and look for the value of G1F to confirm settings are successfully applied: